

Costa Rica Seeds will plants cotton near Cañas. This location shows a decrease on precipitation after September, the dry season sets by early November when we can harvest until late April when the rainy season starts.

We are able to perform one round of production in only 120 days during the winter. Thanks to our proximity to the United States, the seed is sent back with plenty of time for spring planting.

Send your cotton to us and from one pound planted we will easy harvest 70 pounds of beautiful seed.

Very close to the equator, Costa Rica has an average day length of 11.5 hours in December and 12.5 hours in July along with a fairly constant temperature, which allows us to advance generations the year around.

We can handle selfing very good now and our crossing service is improving very fast.

Any amount of single plants can be ginned, also.

We have capabilities to gin and delint the seed for you and have permit to work with the most common genes in the market.

What Is Costa Rica Seeds

Costa Rica Seeds has been running soybean winter projects since 1999 and started its cotton program in 2001 in Costa Rica, Central America.

Costa Rica Seeds

Pay less for a healthier future

Costa Rica Seeds has been running soybean winter projects since 1999 and started its cotton program in 2001 in Costa Rica, Central America.


The Frequently asked Question

After five years and such many projects ran, plus the previous experience of our staff, we have achieved great experience and skills. We have the facilities and logistics to help you on the basic procedures of breeding.


We have the facilities and logistics to help you on the basic procedures of breeding

Generation Advances and grow outs:

Generation advances are planted the year around, harvesting by single seed descend.

With our four tabletop gins we have capacity to gin 400 plots a day if necessarily. Data from herbicide reaction are collected if necessarily.

Seed Increases:

Costa Rica Seeds is allowed to plant the most common genes in the market, providing the necessarily isolation between them to avoid any contamination. Our staff is trained to keep your varieties pure when harvesting, ginning, delinting and packaging. Our goal is to produce at least 600 pds of delinted seed per acre.