About Costa Rica

About Costa Rica

Costa Rica is a beautiful country, by nature both peaceful and democratic. The country has a total extension of 51,200 km2 (32,000 so. miles) and a population of 3.37 million inhabitants. The national army was abolished in 1948, another factor contributing to the stability and peace prevailing in the country.

We have mentioned some reasons that make Costa Rica Seeds an excellent company to perform your winter programs and in the following we will summarize a few of the advantages our country provides.

Thanks to its geographical position, located strategically at the southernmost end of Central America (between 80 and 11o north latitude 83o and 860 west longitudes: six hours west from the Greenwich parallel) Costa Rica has ports on both the Atlantic and Pacific covered b important shipping lines. Juan Santamaría International Airport offers access to principal markets all over the world, too. Florida is just two-and-a-half-hour flight away.

There are 19 airlines authorized to carry passengers and 8 for cargo, along with the 24 shipping lines and 115 shipping agencies located at the ports. Literacy is 95%, the government invests 28% of the national budget in education. The country’s work force is highly specialized, which has led important transnational companies to set up shop in Costa Rica. Spanish is the official language, although English is used a great deal in professional and business settings.

Electric and telecommunication services cover 100% of the urban area and 92% of the country’s total population and there are 1,756 km of paved roads per each million inhabitants, and more remote zones can be reached on gravel roads.

Costa Rica has an enormous quantity of micro-climates, giving beautiful scenarios while driving and a wide range of agronomic environments in short distances, ranging from the chilly temperatures of the mountains to the dry heat of the Pacific coast, to the tropical humidity of the Atlantic zone. There is a dry season from December to April, and a rainy, or “green” season from May to November, average temperatures are 22 oC (72 oF) in the Central Valley and from 21 to 32 oC (70 to 90 oF) on the coasts.

The Costa Rican Biosafety Commission has developed since many years ago all the necessary procedures to introduce, release and export genetically modified organisms like RR, LL, Bolgard I and II, R Flex and BXN, along with the necessarily measures to keep our biodiversity safe.

This is how Costa Rica stands and helps our company to successfully provide this winter , production service.

What Is Costa Rica Seeds

Costa Rica Seeds has been running soybean winter projects since 1999 and started its cotton program in 2001 in Costa Rica, Central America.